Here's Why Nobody Is Reviewing The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Added: 19.03.2013 21:21 | 8 views | 0 comments
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct hit shelves today, and yet you would be hard pressed to find very many reviews of the game. The ones you do find are likely from untested blogs struggling to make a name for themselves. What about the 'big names' in games journalism, where are the Kotaku reviews or the Joystiq pieces on Survival Instinct? What about Destructoid or IGN?
Most of these blogs have not put up a whole lot of content on The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct and we're pretty sure we know why.
The answer comes in two parts: the stigma surrounding the game and Activision's stance on advance copies.
| The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Out Now, What We Learned
Added: 19.03.2013 13:59 | 5 views | 0 comments
When we became aware of opportunity with Activision and AMC, we leapt on it. We devised a first-person survival-horror strategy approach and pitched it. Our game was planned as a labor of love: an endeavor to create a relatively intimate The Walking Dead game experience for fans like us... as well as players new to the series who were looking for a different type of zombie game. Our goal was to create an authentic and compelling experience worthy of the name.
| The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct - Review | G4MERS
Added: 19.03.2013 9:19 | 8 views | 0 comments
G4MERS: "AMC's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is the title of made-for fast, on the well-known license that is catchy and just to cash in on players. I would not recommend this game, even the biggest fans of TWD."
| IGN Plays The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct LIVE
Added: 19.03.2013 0:20 | 8 views | 0 comments
That OTHER Walking Dead game is coming out. Is it any good? Find out LIVE!
| The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct launch trailer
Added: 18.03.2013 21:29 | 34 views | 0 comments
New gameplay footage ahead of this week's release. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is out this week and here's a new trailer to mark its release.
| The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Launch Trailer Arrives, Reviews Nowhere To Be Seen
Added: 18.03.2013 18:03 | 4 views | 0 comments
Tomorrow The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will debut in North America. If you're planning to make a last-minute pre-order of the game, you probably shouldn't.
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